Wisdom Tooth Removal in Manish Nagar
You can go for the wisdom tooth removal procedure in a dental hospital or can consult our dental surgeon at our Somalwada clinic.
First and foremost, our dental expert will take the mouth X-ray. You can discuss the payment method or the charges after the diagnosis of the mouth and the subsequent green signal for the treatment.
Before the procedure of wisdom tooth removal in Somalwada, you will be given a local anesthetic injection for numbing the tooth as well as the adjacent area.
If you are feeling any kind of anxiety before the procedure, we will provide you with a sedative at our dental clinic in the form of an injection in the arm. This will help you relax.
Wisdom Tooth Removal in Manish Nagar
- If the wisdom tooth has not erupted from the gum, our dental expert at Somalwada clinic will make an incision in the gum for access.
- Our dental surgeon will also remove the little piece of bone that engulfs the tooth.
- For wisdom tooth removal in Manish Nagar, our dental expert will make tiny fragments of the tooth for easy removal through the opening. You do not require an incision if the tooth has erupted through the gum.
Sensation of Pressure
You will have the sensation of pressure or impact before the removal of the wisdom tooth because the dental expert at Manish Nagar will widen the socket of the tooth. This is done by following the back-and-forth process before the removal of the wisdom tooth.
No feeling of pain
As expected, you should not get any kind of pain during the removal process of the wisdom tooth or teeth because the area is under the impact of numbness. But if the pain persists, our oral surgeon at Manish Nagar clinic will provide you with extra anesthesia.
Time duration
The time duration for wisdom tooth removal in Somalwada will vary based on the complexity of the procedure. If the procedure is complicated, the time duration will exceed twenty minutes.
Post Surgery dissolving stitches
If our oral surgeon has performed an incision, the specialist will make dissolving stitches for sealing the gum. Generally, the stitches take seven to ten days to dissolve.
Gauze placement
Our oral surgeon at Somalwada will place gauze over the extraction site and tell you to exert pressure on it by biting the jaw together for a time duration of at least an hour. This will permit the formation of the blood clots in the empty tooth sockets. Formation of the blood clots is part of the healing process.
For wisdom tooth removal in Manish Nagar, you can fix an appointment with an oral surgeon with an initial mail or call.